An echocardiogram uses painless ultrasound waves to scan the heart, assessing the structure and function of the heart’s muscle, valves, and major blood vessels.

There are multiple types of echocardiograms, each suitable for different clinical scenarios. The type of echocardiogram you require will depend on the symptoms (if any) you are experiencing, the purpose of the scan, and what issues your Doctor is looking for, with the most common type of echo being Transthoracic Echocardiograms (TTEs), which scan the surface of the chest with an ultrasound probe.

What Is The Purpose of An Echocardiogram?

An echo scan is used to help diagnose and monitor certain heart conditions, creating a visual image of the heart, checking its structure and major blood vessels, assessing how blood flows through them, and looking at the pumping and filling chambers of the heart.

There are three types of echocardiograms we are going to discuss:

Transthoracic Echocardiograms (TTEs)

As mentioned, a TTE is the most common type of echo and is a non-invasive diagnostic scan, taking around 20 minutes to complete. The scan consists of a hand-held ultrasound probe coated with gel being passed across the surface of the chest.

This type of scan is suitable for diagnosing a wide range of heart muscle and valve abnormalities and detecting issues such as damage from heart attacks, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, and much more.

At EchoMed, we specialise in carrying out Transthoracic Echocardiograms, with our Doctors ensuring our patients have as relaxing and comfortable an experience as possible. By attending our clinic, you can be confident that your procedure is being completed by an experienced professional to the highest standard.

Transoesophageal Echocardiograms (TOE)

A Transoesophageal Echocardiogram produces a more in-depth image of the heart, outlining very fine details, particularly around the heart valves.

Unlike TTEs, this is an invasive procedure whereby the ultrasound probe is placed into the mouth and positioned in the gullet while under sedation, like an endoscopy. This type of echocardiogram can be used to assess the heart’s valves for small areas of damage or to look for the presence of blood clots in the context of abnormal heart rhythms and can add value in many other heart conditions.

We do not currently offer TOE at our EchoMed Clinics.

Stress Echocardiograms

The final of the three types of echocardiogram we are discussing in this article is Stress Echocardiogram, which examines how the heart functions under strain. This can be performed during exercise or after a dose of stimulant medication.

This type of echocardiogram looks for abnormal heart muscle and valve functions and can be particularly useful for patients with a history of heart attacks to examine the extent of heart muscle damage or in those with valve problems of uncertain severity.

What Do I Do With My Results?

When attending our cardiac clinics, your scan will be performed by Doctors, which means you will receive a full explanation of your results immediately after your procedure. As you leave our clinic, you will be given a diagram of your heart, annotated with any significant abnormalities.

We will also send a formal report, as well as any recommendations for further investigation or treatments, to your GP by the end of the day. 

If your scan demonstrates significant heart problems, our Doctors will keep in touch with you directly to discuss the next steps. Alternatively, if you would like more information about some of the more common minor heart problems, please visit our Your Scan Results page, where you will find a glossary of key terms and our recommendations for further follow-up and assistance.

Trust A Specialist

When choosing EchoMed for your echocardiograms, you can be assured that you are in the best hands possible. We have invested heavily in our clinic spaces, our state-of-the-art equipment, and team, ensuring everyone has the top qualifications and experience to complete their job role to the highest standard possible.

We aim to make the procedure as comfortable as possible, delivering our patients a relaxing and industry-leading experience. Would you like more information on our services or the types of echocardiograms we can perform? Contact us today to speak to one of our experts and discuss any questions or queries you have.

Additionally, if you want to book your echocardiogram appointment directly, you can do so online now.

Heart disease is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide, and it can have various causes, including genetics, lifestyle, and diet. At Echomed, we understand the importance of identifying and managing risk factors for heart disease, including the ones that are often overlooked.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the sneaky diet triggers that can increase your risk of developing heart disease. By recognizing these triggers and taking steps to avoid them, you can reduce your chances of developing this life-threatening condition.

At Echomed, we specialise in echocardiograms, which can help detect heart disease in its early stages. By partnering with us, you can take a proactive approach to managing your heart health and reducing your risk of heart disease.

Avoid ‘Bad’ Fats

Maintaining a healthy heart is important for all of us. But what should we be looking out for on the food labels? In order to ensure that our hearts stay healthy and strong, it’s important to avoid any foods that have the words ‘trans,’ ‘hydrogenated,’ or ‘partially hydrogenated’ on the label. 

These types of fats are not beneficial to our health as they can raise bad cholesterol levels, which can increase your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Trans fats also make it more difficult for your body to absorb good antioxidants from other foods, making them even more detrimental to your heart health. 

By avoiding these unhealthy trans fats, you’ll be sure to protect yourself from any potential harm related to their consumption. To further protect yourself, you can book in for a heart scan and ensure that you stay up to date with your heart’s health. If you are wondering what the cost of a heart scan is, at Echomed we offer different packages, starting from £325 for an Echocardiogram.

Processed Meats

Processed meats have long been a part of the human diet, but are they really good for our hearts? Many have grown up with these salty, preserved products as regular meals. But recent research suggests that eating processed meats can increase one’s risk of cardiovascular disease – and even mortality. 

A 2019 study published in the “European Heart Journal” looked at the relationship between eating processed meat and the risk of cardiovascular disease. The study involved a large group of 134,297 people from 21 countries and followed them for an average of 9.5 years.

The results showed that people who ate more than 160g of processed meat per day had a 44% higher risk of heart disease compared to those who ate less than 20g per day. The study also found that those who ate more processed meat had a 72% higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

While the study cannot prove causation, only correlation, it does provide strong evidence that eating processed meat is linked to heart-related issues. The findings are consistent with previous research and suggest that reducing processed meat intake may be beneficial for heart health.

Increased Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is a popular and widely-consumed stimulant, found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, and other foods. Many of us rely on caffeine to wake up in the morning or to power through our day. But can caffeine consumption lead to heart disease? 

Research has shown that consuming too much caffeine can cause some cardiovascular issues such as increased blood pressure and elevated heart rate. It’s important for people to be mindful of their daily consumption so that they do not exceed recommended levels. A moderate amount of caffeine per day – around 200 mg – is generally considered safe for most healthy adults. However, it may be wise for people with existing heart conditions or high blood pressure to talk to their doctor before increasing their intake.

Echomed – What Is The Cost Of A Heart Scan

Echomed offers a variety of different services to ensure that you can stay ahead and understand your heart. Echocardiograms start from £325, however our range of services allow you to see in depth into the overall health of your heart. For more information on pricing and options, get in touch today.

Heart scans can be an important part of keeping your heart healthy, but do you know how often you should get one?

With the advances in medical technology, there are more options than ever before when it comes to heart scanning. It is essential to understand which type of scan and how often it should be done in order to monitor your heart health. In this article, our cardiologist doctors will explore different types of heart scans and provide advice on how often they should be done.

When Should You Get A Heart Scan?

Having a heart scan can help identify any potential health problems or risks before they become serious. Knowing when to have a heart scan is important for both preventing and managing conditions that might affect your cardiovascular system. 

In general, adults often get their first heart scan between the ages of 40 and 45 (or 35 if family history of cardiac conditions exists). This initial screening is recommended for anyone who has not been previously diagnosed with a disorder that affects the way the heart functions. It is also recommended for anyone over the age of 40 who has risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity or high cholesterol levels.

How Long Is A Heart Scan Good For?

The answer to this question depends on several factors, such as family history, age, lifestyle and risk factors. Generally speaking, most specialists recommend that individuals have a heart scan every five years or so. However, if you have certain risk factors, such as high cholesterol or diabetes, it may be recommended that you have one more frequently—perhaps every three years or so. Your doctor will be able to advise you on the best timeline for having scans based on your individual circumstances.

Should Everyone Have A Heart Scan?

Though most people may not think they need a heart scan at their age, it can provide valuable insight into how healthy your heart really is. Whether or not everyone should get a heart scan depends on several factors such as current health conditions, family history, lifestyle habits like diet and exercise, as well as age. Your doctor will be able to assess each of these factors to determine if a heart scan would be beneficial for you. 

It’s important to make sure that your overall cardiovascular health stays strong throughout life so that you can stay healthy and active for years to come.

Get In Touch – Cardiologist Doctors

In conclusion, getting a heart scan is an important step in taking care of our health and well-being. While there is no one answer to how often you should get a heart scan, it is important to keep up with your cardiologist doctor’s recommendations and consider having regular scans if you have any risk factors for cardiovascular disease. It’s also important to make sure that you are eating healthy, exercising regularly, and managing any stress in your life.

Heart scans are an increasingly important and popular test to detect heart disease early. Over 150,000 Brits die from heart disease annually, which is why early detection and management is imperative. Our experts here at EchoMed provide in-depth heart scans and ECG testing to provide you with the peace of mind you need. 

Why Are Heart Scans Important?

Heart scans are an important tool that doctors can use to diagnose a variety of heart conditions and issues. Heart scans can detect a range of inherited and acquired diseases before they progress and worsen. Early detection can prevent further issues in the future that may have developed if left untreated. 

How Does An Ultrasound Scan Work?

During an echocardiogram, our Doctors will place a small, hand-held device called a transducer on your chest. The transducer emits painless ultrasound waves that bounce off your heart and create images that are displayed on a screen.

These images can provide information about the size and shape of your heart, the thickness of its walls, the movement of its valves, and the flow of blood through its chambers. The test can also show areas of the heart that may have been damaged by a heart attack or other conditions.

Find out more about what will happen at your appointment.  

Understanding The Results

Understanding echocardiogram results requires some basic knowledge of the anatomy and function of the heart.

The echocardiogram will examine certain parameters, such as the size and structure of the chambers of your heart, its ejection fraction (or average volume of blood pumped out with each beat), the presence of any leaks or restrictions in your heart valves, and the direction and speed of blood flow through your heart; our Doctors will help you understand the results of your echocardiogram.

Your Doctor will analyse these results in detail, and may recommend further testing or treatment if any problems are identified. It’s important to follow-up with your Doctor to discuss the results and any next steps that may be necessary.

Who Needs A Heart Scan?

Heart scans have a particularly high yield in people aged over 40. However, current and former smokers have a much higher risk of developing heart disease at any age. Likewise, people with diabetes and high blood pressure are also at an increased risk of developing a cardiac problem. Genetics and family history also play a role in the development of heart muscle conditions, such as cardiomyopathy, or blocked coronary arteries. It is advisable to get regular heart scans if you have any of these risk factors.

Book Your Heart Scan Today – ECG Testing Specialists

Our cardiac experts in Farnham (Surrey) and Hartley Wintney (Hampshire) can perform ECG testing and a cardiac ultrasound scan that takes less than 60 minutes, providing you with in-depth results within 24 hours. These painless procedures allow our experts to identify any underlying issues before they deteriorate. If you would like more information, please get in touch with us

Are you looking for ways to stay in good heart health despite your hectic lifestyle? With the right tips and tricks, it is possible to incorporate healthy habits into a busy schedule and keep our hearts strong. In this article, we will look at several practical heart health tips that can be easily incorporated into a busy lifestyle. From simple dietary changes to ECG testing, to easy-to-follow exercise routines, these tips will help you make small adjustments that can make a big difference to your overall heart health.

Diet Tips

Maintaining a healthy heart can seem difficult when life is busy. With work, family, and social commitments taking precedence, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest nutrition advice. However, there are some simple dietary changes you can make to help improve your heart health even if you don’t have much time. 

Making small changes such as limiting processed foods and opting for more natural foods like whole grains and lean proteins will help give your body what it needs without taking up too much of your precious time in the kitchen. Additionally, including plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet is always beneficial for your overall health – aim for at least five servings each day! If meal prepping ahead of time isn’t an option for you then look into frozen veggies or other convenience food options that are still packed full of essential vitamins and minerals.

Quick Exercises For Your Heart

Having a healthy heart is essential to living a long, comfortable life. Exercising regularly is one of the best ways to ensure your heart stays in great condition. Taking time out of your day for some quick workouts can make all the difference in keeping your heart healthy. 

For those who are short on time and don’t have access to a gym, there are plenty of simple exercises you can do at home that will help boost your heart health. This could be anything from jumping jacks and squats to stretching and running up stairs. Even taking a brisk walk around the neighbourhood or doing yoga in your living room can make a difference! 

Try incorporating some of these easy exercises into your daily routine for just 10 minutes each day.

Get In Contact – ECG Testing

Our Cardiologist Doctors recommend cardiac screening to anybody concerned about the possibility of heart muscle disease, whether they have symptoms or not. 

If you have any questions about genetic cardiac conditions, please email us directly at

Having a heart scan can be an intimidating prospect, but you don’t need to worry. This article will provide a guide of what you can expect during a heart scan and how best to prepare for it. Knowing what to expect beforehand can help ease any stress or anxiety you may have about the procedure. With the right knowledge and preparation, your heart scan experience should be straightforward and without surprises. Read on to find out all you need to know from our Cardiologist Doctors.

What To Expect

A heart scan, or echocardiogram, is a non-invasive imaging test that produces detailed images of your heart. This procedure can help Doctors diagnose and treat certain cardiac conditions. If you’re scheduled for a heart scan, it’s important to know what to expect so you can better prepare yourself for the procedure. 

The first step of a heart scan usually involves changing into a medical gown and lying down on an examination couch. The Doctor will then place electrodes on your chest to measure your heart rhythm, and may ask you to lie on your left hand side. An ultrasound probe coated in gel is then passed across the bare chest, collecting images from several different angles. Once all the necessary images and measurements are taken (this takes around 15-20 minutes), the electrodes will be disconnected, the gel will be cleaned off, and you may get dressed and prepare to receive your results.

How To Prepare

Having a heart scan can be an intimidating prospect, but it doesn’t have to be. Preparing for the scan and knowing what to expect can help make the process go more smoothly.

The best quality images are obtained when you are relaxed; if your heart is beating too quickly during the test, the results can be challenging to interpret. As such, you should avoid strenuous exercise, or caffeine consumption, in the hours leading up to the scan.

It is also helpful if you wear comfortable clothing and no jewellery, as these items may interfere with the imaging process and create artefact during the scans.

EchoMed – Cardiologist Doctors

Our Cardiologist Doctors recommend cardiac screening to anybody concerned about the possibility of structural heart disease, whether they have symptoms or not. 

If you have any questions about your risk of cardiac conditions, please email us directly at

It is typically common knowledge that to keep your heart healthy and to prevent any issues from arising, exercise and a healthy diet are two very important factors. However, this is often where the knowledge stops for a lot of people, with there actually being a lot more you can do to ensure your heart is kept in good working order.

As experts in heart scans (including echo and ECG testing) and cardiovascular health, we have put together our top heart health tips to help prevent heart disease and keep you healthy.

1. Getting Adequate Sleep 

The first of our heart health tips is ensuring you consistently get adequate sleep, a fundamental factor for a healthy heart. We suggest you prioritise your sleep, aiming for approximately 7 to 8 hours of sleep most nights, where possible.

A lack of sleep puts you at greater risk of multiple cardiovascular diseases, regardless of age, highlighting just how important sleep can be to ensuring your heart performs and functions as it should. 

We understand that there are certain instances where getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night isn’t possible, but steps to optimise your sleep hygiene are always worthwhile.; Likewise, those with sleep apnea should get treated as soon as possible, as this can sometimes be linked to heart disease and arrhythmias.

2. Try Not To Sit for Long Periods 

Staying seated for extended periods can be bad for your health, regardless of how much exercise you do, with those who work long hours sitting at desks needing to take action to counteract this. 

We suggest you take time regularly throughout the day to break up those long periods spent sitting at your desk.

3. Eating Healthy Fats 

As mentioned above, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet are important heart health tips and are simply factors that cannot be ignored when working to improve or regain your heart’s condition.

A healthy diet consists of multiple factors and food groups, some being more important to cardiac health than others, with fats being essential as part of any diet, including saturated, polyunsaturated, and unsaturated fats.

However, trans fat (or trans-unsaturated fatty acid) is not needed as part of your diet and is shown to accelerate the development of heart disease and strokes throughout life, clogging arteries by raising your bad cholesterol level and lowering good cholesterol. 

As experts in cardiac diagnostics, we recommend that you read the food labels to ensure that trans fat is kept to a minimum. Additionally, if you are concerned about your heart’s health or would generally just like to know more about your heart’s structure and functionality, you can book your scan procedure online now.

4. Avoid Second-hand Smoke 

Studies have shown that you are 25 – 30% more likely to develop heart disease if you are regularly exposed to second-hand smoke, as the chemicals emitted from cigarette smoke cause plaque build-up in your arteries. 

To prevent this, avoid smoking or standing around people who are smoking where possible; it is also vitally important that children are kept clear of second-hand smoke as well.

5. Practise Good Dental Hygiene and Flossing

Arguably, one of our most underappreciated heart health tips is ensuring you practise good dental hygiene, including proper brushing and flossing techniques.

Dental health is a marker of overall health, including your heart, and those with periodontal gum disease often have the same risk factors for heart disease. Furthermore, bacteria in the mouth can move into the bloodstream and, occasionally, cause heart valve infections known as ‘endocarditis’. Thus, you should floss and brush your teeth daily to prevent gum disease.

Contact Us – Echocardiogram and ECG Testing 

Hopefully, our top five heart health tips have given you more knowledge and ideas on how to help reduce the risk of heart disease, including some factors you may never have considered before, like good dental hygiene.

At our comfortable clinics in Farnham and Emsworth, we make heart scans as quick and painless as possible. If you are interested in any of our services, book a heart scan with us today to future-proof your cardiac health.

Alternatively, if you have any questions about our services or want more information about certain cardiac conditions, please email us directly at

At EchoMed, we provide state-of-the-art cardiac diagnostics from our Farnham and Emsworth clinics, combining the best equipment and technology with a sensitive and understanding approach. 

If you are concerned about possible cardiac symptoms or want reassurance about the structure and function of your heart, we are easily accessible and here to help. A common question we hear from some of our patients is, what will happen at one of our heart health check appointments?

We have put this article together to outline what you can expect during a heart scan with EchoMed and how we have worked hard to ensure our appointments are as relaxing, comfortable, and stress-free as possible.

Who will Perform Your Heart Health Check Scan? 

Our scans are performed by a Heart Specialist Doctor with training in cardiac ultrasound. All of our team members are accredited by the British Society of Echocardiography, meaning you can have confidence that you are in the best hands possible.

Which Procedures/Tests Are Available?

At EchoMed, we have multiple heart health check scans available, all completed by the Doctors themselves. The procedures we have available include:

  • Echocardiograms (TTE)
  • Electrocardiograms (ECG)
  • 7 Day Holter Monitor
  • Exercise (Stress) ECG

We have worked tirelessly to ensure that all our heart health check procedures are as comfortable and hassle-free as possible, removing the stress from your EchoMed experience and making you feel as comfortable, assured, and relaxed as possible. 

If you have any questions about our procedures or want more information about what you can expect when attending an appointment with EchoMed, please do not hesitate to contact us today.

How are Scans Performed? 

Echocardiogram (or ‘echo’) scans are non-invasive diagnostic scans. Therefore, no equipment is inserted into the body, and no treatment is delivered, with your scan performed using a hand-held ultrasound probe coated with gel and passed across the surface of the chest. From this, painless ultrasound waves are used to create moving images of the heart. 

To ensure accurate measurements, we will measure your height and weight, allowing us to index your heart size compared to these measurements. The heart will be scanned from several different angles.

Usually, an echo scan will take around 15-30 minutes to complete. Upon completion, you will get dressed, and there will follow a detailed discussion of your results with the Doctor. After this, you can leave at your leisure; there is no need for an observation or waiting period.

What is Included alongside Your Scan? 

The cost of a heart scan booking with EchoMed includes guaranteed same-day results, with our helpful and friendly Doctors taking the time to show you your scan images, explain your results, and listen to any queries you may have.

Your results are followed by a complete technical study report that will be sent to you and your GP within 24 hours. Images will be stored securely and can be accessed remotely by other physicians, if needed, through an encrypted portal. You are welcome to keep in touch with your Doctor via email to address any follow-up questions.


We hope this article helped to summarise everything you can expect for the price of a heart health check scan with EchoMed. Our quick and painless heart scans can be immensely beneficial in ensuring that you are prepared for whatever the future throws your way. Even if you happen to show no symptoms of poor heart health, our scans can provide you with peace of mind about the structure and performance of your heart.

Contact Us – Enquire About the Cost of a Heart Scan 

Here at our comfortable clinics in Surrey and Hampshire, we make heart scans quick and easy. 

Book a heart scan with us today to future-proof your cardiac health. If you have any questions about our services or would like more information on certain cardiac conditions, please email us directly at

At EchoMed, we believe investing in cardiovascular wellbeing is immensely important. Lifestyle modifications – such as adopting a healthy diet and cardiac diagnostics (such as an echocardiogram or ECG testing) can be complementary in optimising your cardiovascular wellbeing. 

In this article, we will discuss three reasons why you might book yourself for a private heart scan and the importance of looking after your overall heart health.


Firstly, if you have any symptoms that concern you, you should check your heart health with the help of a professional. The earlier you have your check-up, the better the chances of an early diagnosis, with important ramifications on your response to any treatment.

It may seem obvious that, if experiencing chest pain, you should seek medical attention, but which other symptoms may warrant booking a private heart scan? Here are a few to keep an eye on:

  • Breathlessness
  • Tiredness or Fatigue
  • Ankle Swelling
  • Coughs, especially when they occur more frequently at night

If you experience these, don’t panic, but do make sure you get checked out if these symptoms persist.

As experts in our industry, we are always happy to discuss the necessary cardiac tests, whether you have concerning symptoms or just want a check-up. Our procedures are painless and non-invasive, and our experienced and qualified specialists endeavour to make the experience as comfortable and relaxed as possible.

Family Heart Conditions 

You do not necessarily need to show any symptoms of an unhealthy heart to apply for cardiac screening because, even though lifestyle factors – such as smoking, lack of exercise, or a suboptimal diet can accelerate the development of heart disease, unfortunately, hereditary heart conditions can affect anyone, no matter their lifestyle.

For example, if a close family member has a heart condition that can be inherited (such as cardiomyopathy), you should look into booking a private heart scan. Even if you are not experiencing any symptoms, undergoing an echocardiogram can still provide great peace of mind.

Knowledge is Power

Private heart scans are not just reserved for the elderly or those with poor general health. Heart scans can provide anybody with valuable information regarding their overall health, and as a result, we endeavour to make booking a heart scan with EchoMed as simple as possible.

At EchoMed, we encourage everyone to seek more information about their body. In many cases, the results of cardiac diagnostics can enable people to make overdue lifestyle modifications and take steps toward a healthier and happier tomorrow.

Early detection could change your life for the better. So don’t hesitate to contact our expert team for more information, or simply book your private heart scan appointment online now.


If you are experiencing any of the symptoms outlined above, such as shortness of breath or frequent coughing, you should seek medical advice regarding your heart health.

Cardiac diagnostics should not be reserved for those with poor health. At EchoMed, we like to make scans available as quickly as possible, and by booking with us online, you can receive peace of mind regarding your heart health with the guarantee of same-day results.

Contact Us – Echocardiogram and ECG Testing 

At our comfortable, state-of-the-art clinics serving the South East, we make heart scans as quick, easy, and accessible as possible. Book a private heart scan with us today to future-proof your cardiac health.

If you have any questions about our services or would like more information on particular cardiac conditions, please email us directly at

It’s no secret that a great deal of cardiovascular disease is linked to lifestyle factors; smoking, lack of exercise, or a diet resulting in abnormal blood cholesterol levels can all accelerate the development of blocked arteries and stiff heart valves. However, whilst the Cardiologist Doctors at EchoMed are always promoting healthy lifestyle changes, we also acknowledge that some cardiac conditions are the direct result of something else: your genetics.

Inherited Heart Muscle Diseases

In our clinic, we are experts at screening people for the presence of inherited heart muscle diseases, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). In many cases, patients with HCM were born with an abnormal version of a gene – such as the MYH7 gene – which, as they have reached adulthood, has caused the heart muscle to become abnormally thick.

In severe HCM, the central portion of the heart muscle (the ‘septum’) becomes so thick that it can obstruct blood leaving the heart each time it pumps. This process (known as ‘outflow tract obstruction’) can cause unpleasant symptoms such as shortness of breath, palpitations, or fainting, and, unfortunately, is associated with life-threatening heart rhythm problems. A cardiac ultrasound (or echo) is the gold standard for diagnosing cardiomyopathy, including HCM.

This video shows ultrasound images from a healthy heart versus a heart with HCM. In this case, the diagnosis was made early enough for the patient to be referred on to a specialist for further management, which included medications to reduce outflow tract obstruction and improve symptoms, and, ultimately, implantation of a defibrillator device to protect against cardiac arrest.

Book In Your Scan

The genetic abnormalities associated with HCM are not common. However, cardiac ultrasound is completely safe and painless, and it can diagnose a variety of important heart conditions at the point of care, including those which run in families. As such, our Cardiologist Doctors recommend cardiac screening to anybody concerned about the possibility of heart muscle disease, whether they have symptoms or not. 

If you have any questions about genetic cardiac conditions, please email us directly at

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